Friday, July 13, 2007


Due to a conflict with VBS- we are cancelling the Game Night on 7/20.
Have no fear- Instead, we will meet on Saturday 7/21 at the Vincent's for a POOL Party. This is for EVERYONE!
Bring a dessert to share
Pizza will be served

Bring towels and a Modest bathing suit (girls- no bikinis, low cuts in the front or stomach showing- bring a t-shirt to wear just in case).

If it rains- meet at the Teen building for games.

It would be great if you let Brenda know you are coming- or if you need directions!


Next Gal's night- 7/23: SPA Night

Save the date!!!
Don't forget- Summer Retreat- August 17-18
Starting at 4pm on the 17th

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