Saturday, June 30, 2007

Guy's Night!

Teen Club Guy’s Night
Must RSVP to Brenda

When: July 9th Monday
Time: 6:30-8:45pm
Where: Tim & Brenda’s
132 Kinne Rd. Canterbury
What to bring: a salad or a dessert-come on guys-don’t make your mom cook.

Also, bring bathingsuits and towels for swimming.

Directions to Tim & Brenda’s:
From the church-head west on Rt 14.
Take 2nd left onto Lisbon Rd.
Take 1st right onto Kinne Rd.
Go approx. 1 mile. You will see the town garage.
Our house is the 2nd house on the left AFTER the town garage.
We have a light green cape with a big stonewall out front.

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