Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Missions Conference Weekend!

Alrighty-busy weekend ahead. Hope you all can make it! We always have a good time serving together!

Thursday- 3/15 @ 5:30 pm: Puppet Practice

Friday- 3/16 @ 5:00 pm: Pizza, Food Prep and Dessert Social - finished by 9 pm

Saturday- 3/17 @ 10:30 am: Food Prep for Luncheon, 11:30 am: Servers need to arrive (black pants and collared white shirt)

Next Wednesday 3/21 @ 5:30 pm LARGE VOCAL PRACTICE- you all need to be there!

This will continue EVERY WEDNESDAY until Regionals

This week's Trivia Picture: Most creative comment to Levi's picture wins a prize next week!


Anonymous said...

ahhh i see the goust of davy jones!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH i see the Goust of Davy Jones!!!!!!!!! argg

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel like I don't have a problem
Sometimes I feel like my only friend is my big thumb on my right hand......

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, what's that smell?!?!?

Amanda said...

" NO STOP!! no pictures!! not while you can see my spoon thumb =O "