Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22nd

Hey gang~

I (Elisabeth)- missed you all last night. Thanks for your prayers! It has been a whirlwind week- but God has been good! I'm feeling better- though I'm still having problems with my breathing and am coughing a lot. Pray that it heals up! I don't like missing club!

A few things-

1. Sunday's Rally: Meeting at 4pm. We'll have dinner at 5pm and then the rally will be from 6-8pm. Home by 9pm. This is a great way for you to meet other area teens! Also, they'll be talking about Creation vs. Evolution- which I'm sure has come up at school. You'll get your questions answered and learn how to share God's Truth at school. And hey, you get to be with the entire gang- how much better can that be!

2. Don't forget- Large Vocal next Wed. at 5:30pm. Make sure you're there. I heard that what JOY put together sounds really good. I can't wait to hear it!

3. This weeks Trivia Photo..... It's a good one! (you guys take "great" pictures!) We'll see who has the most creative comment for next week!

Have a great weekend- Hope to see you at Church and definately Sunday night!
Love you all~
The Teen Leaders


Anonymous said...

This French Vanilla coffee is Amazing!

Anonymous said...

What you can't see in this picture is the hockey puck headed straight for the back of Elisabeth's head.

Anonymous said...

OH MAN! Some old guy doing the Macerena.

Anonymous said...

OH MAN! Some old guy doing the Macerena.

Unknown said...

wait a minute....Your supposed to get the eight ball in last???