Thursday, November 15, 2007

Friday- 6pm Operation Christmas Child Packing Party. Bring $3 for dinner and goodies to pack.
Most festive Christmas outfit gets a prize!!

Next Wednesday- No club! Enjoy Thanksgiving

Superbowl- 11/23-24 Plan to meet at the church at 4:30pm and we'll return by 7am. Bring extra money for snacks. Don't forget medical forms and permission slips!!! You don't go if we don't have them!
There is still time to invite your friends.

Christmas Program 12/9

Christmas Caroling 12/16 @5pm. We'll be hosting this for the church and passing out cookies. Think of specific people you would like us to sing to!

Christmas party coming too....stay tuned for a date! Lots of fun plans......

Big Screen Movie Night 12/28- come spend a little time hangin' out over the Christmas Vacation! We'll have a good time!

In January- we'll be going to the Soup Kitchen and some special activities for Jr/Sr High!

Enjoy the weekend!
See you at church Sunday-

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