Friday, September 21, 2007

Upcoming Events- 9/19

Youth Rally- Sunday, October 14th
5:00 pm- 8:30 pm
You won't want to miss it!
We've invited area youth groups to join us!
We'll have pizza/snacks, games, a guest speaker and the Fusion Worship Band!
The team from Word of Life will be with us too!

Also- in the coming weeks....

Youth Leadership Council meeting- September 30th

STORM- October 13th 4:00- 9:00 pm
The Word of Life Team will be helping us. Start praying for your friends that you would like to invite!

October 17th- November 12th- Operation Christmas Child We'll be organizing and collecting shoe boxes filled with goodies for needy children around the world. Melissa and the Youth Leadership Council will be organizing this. More news to come! This will be a Christian Service Assignment

October 27th- Annual Dinner at Church- We will be helping to organize the dinner and set up/clean up that evening. This will be a Christian Service Assignment. More info to come.

October 31st- Harvest Party with Olympians. We'll be helping the Olympian leaders put on the Harvest party.

November 23-24th- Superbowl. $35 plus gas. Due 10/17 to Tim

December 9th, 6pm Sunday School Christmas Program- many of you indicated interest in singing or putting together puppets. See Elisabeth or Diane for more information. Practices start October 20th.

Snow Camp- February 1-3rd $35 registration due 10/10 to Tim

A few pics from our recent trip to Six Flags for Fall Quest!

Heather and Brittaney

Christina and Elisabeth on "The Scream"

Justin devouring a turkey leg

James- lookin' pretty!

Joy, Ryan and Micah

Rob and the ladies about to take the plunge

Heather (super powers included), Christina and Brittaney

Isabella, James, Justin Alex and Shelby on Superman!

Heidi- swing away!

Isabella and Shelby have no problem making friends!

Elisabeth, Chelsea, Brianna and Brittany

Ana, Jackie, Jasmine, Kaitlyn and Laura enjoying a picnic lunch

Pictures from recent club nights.....

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