Wednesday, May 16, 2007

May 16th-23rd

Hey all-
Sorry we had to cancel club tonight- but we love you too much to have you come out in not so safe conditions. Stay warm and dry!

We will try to reschedule the puppet show for the Olympians- but, they are ending their year before us- so we'll see.
However, we are planning to do the puppet shows May 27th in church. Please be there and ready to present them. We will try to arrange a quick practice before. Stay tuned.

Next week- Photo Scavenger Hunt- Pray for good weather. Please try to be at club by 6:30 as we want the maximum time to do this activity. It is a great night to invite friends to. It will be so much fun- you don't want to miss it.

Coming Events:
May 27th- Puppet show in morning service
June 9th- Rocky Neck Trip
June 13th- Last night- Family Appreciation Night for Parents and Honor Graduates.

Stay tuned for dates for summer activities (girls nights, open club nights and VBS).
Have a great week!
Your Teen Leaders!

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