Friday, April 6, 2007

April 6th Update

Great practices last night (puppets, skit and vocals). We appreciate all your time and efforts. You have all given so much time to the "team" and your efforts are paying off. Hang in there- Teens Involved is just 2 weeks away!

Don't forget- Sunday is EASTER!

Join us at 6am at Wibberley's Hill for the Sunrise Service

Breakfast at 7am

Sunday School at 9:00 am

Church at 10:30

Don't forget to get in touch with Melissa if you can help set up for the breakfast

Next Week-

Large Vocal meeting at 5:30 Wednesday

Puppets practicing at 5:30 Thursday

Coffee House is coming April 18th at 6pm.

Make sure you are inviting your friends.

We want a full house

Be practicing your presentations- let us know if you need any help.

Upcoming Events

Teens Involved in Derry, New Hampshire- 4/21 leaving 6am from the church. Cost- $12/person plus meals. Invite your parents to come!

Soup Kitchen- 4/28- details to come

Men's Retreat- 4/27-4/28

Cinco de Mayo Party- Saturday, May 5th. Plan for a FIESTA!

More dates to come!

This week's Trivia Photo


Anonymous said...

I look awsome in my Angels on horseBack sweatshirt. Howdies everybody.

Anonymous said...

I'm having a blast