We are going Feb 1-3rd. Departure times/Arrival times TBD.
We need your money!!
$110 if you have not paid
$75 if you paid the $35 registration fee
Checks payable to Calvary Chapel and given to Tim
Don't forget money for meals/spending- you can earn spending money by completing reward levels
Health forms due by 1/23- if we don't have them, you don't go! Any and all medication must have a doctor's signature
Volunteers for Banner and Sled? Sign up Wednesday!
Fitchville Coffee House
Sunday, January 20th
Leaving 4:45pm Returning 8:15pm
Bring your instruments/music to share!
Sign up this Wednesday so we can plan transportation
Teens Involved
You should be practicing- see Elisabeth if you need help finalizing details
Joshua and Jericho puppets meeting Sunday's after church
Large Vocal meeting every Wednesday at 5:30 (we could use more voices)
Drama meeting every Thursday at 6:45pm
We'll be sharing these with the church- date/times to come
Reserve Saturday 2/23 for Area in Eastford
Need $12 for fees
Reserve Saturday 4/19 for Regionals in New Hampshire
Need $12 for fees
Gas and meals in addition both days
Coming Saturday, March 8th 4-9pm
"Piercing the Darkness"
Ministry Fair for Youth
Find out about opportunities available to you (college, missions, camps, service outreaches)
Other youth groups will be coming so you'll meet lots of people
Rally time with music/drama/media and speaker
Check out our photos online- link is on the right hand side of the blog
Possible concert 3/7 in Lowell Mass- TobyMac and Jeremy Camp- more news to come
See you Wednesday!
We love you!
Your Leaders